by Oliver
Oliver Shows Off a Sponsor |
I've been biting my tongue for weeks now, just waiting to finally let the cat out of the bag. As it turns out, one of our sponsors also makes all-natural food for cats, so I guess Patches will get in on some of this action. All I have to say about that is "Woof!"
Today we're officially opening the RSVP. Yup! That means you can sign up to win prizes at the party. You can also win pre-party prizes when we start the Rafflecopter and the PreTweet events, so keep your eyes open for those.
I'm going to copy mom's steps for signing up below, so you can do it here if you like. After you sign up, feel free to check out the list of sponsors.
We've only got clearance to tell you a little bit and mom's locked down all the juicy info. :( What's with her? She doesn't seem to like it when we 'leak' info. That's just no fun. Visit her post to find out all about our
blogger sponsor, our
pet food sponsor, and our trainer and
training system sponsor. And of course
Event Barkers is getting into the mix also. You can check out this link to 'Like' them on Facebook. They seem to enjoy sharing their party info. Tanner and I like that part too.
Ready to RSVP? Here goes: Below the numbered list at the bottom is a blue link that says "
Click here to enter". Click this and follow these instructions, using the image below as a guide. In the field that says "Link Title or Blog Title" just enter your Twitter handle with the @sign in front of it. Notice mom entered @AllThingsDog in the example.
In the second field that says "Link" you'll enter the link to your Twitter account. It will look like this: "".
You can leave your email address and name in the next two fields if you wish. This will help us reach you if your Twitter handle is listed wrong and you win a prize. Now click "Enter your link" and that's it. You have completed your RSVP. See you on August 12 at 8:00 PM ET.
#BarktoSchool sponsors are providing products as prizes for our winners and working with the Event Barkers team to help you learn more about their products and services. There is no purchase required to enter or to join in the Twitter Party.