by Tanner
When mom got rid of her SUV a year ago I was a bit worried about the smaller vehicle. It was good to learn that we're doing something helpful for the environment. Mom says she spends about 75% less on gas with her new Prius. I guess that equates to more trips to the dog park. No complaints from me!
Since this picture was taken, Mom even added a bed to the back of the car. With the back seats folded down and big dog bed, I'm super cozy, thanks to Pet Auto Safety.
Today mom started a 3-part series on safe dog travel. She'll be covering how we manage little Oliver, my pipsqueak pack mate, as well as my new crash-tested safety belt. Check it out at All Things Dog Blog.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day Works for Us!
by Tanner and Oliver
Can you believe it? We learned that today is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. That's sort of like Christmas for dogs, right? We're happy to behave nicely to get a homemade yummy like these chicken and cheese treats made right here in our kitchen. We're waiting for mom to say the magic words: "Take it!"
You can find the recipe for these delicious biscuits at this post on All Things Dog Blog. It you make them, be sure to let us know how you enjoyed them. Even more fun would be if you post a picture of your cookies at our Facebook page. We'd love to see!
(c) Carrie Boyko Good Job, Boys |
Can you believe it? We learned that today is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. That's sort of like Christmas for dogs, right? We're happy to behave nicely to get a homemade yummy like these chicken and cheese treats made right here in our kitchen. We're waiting for mom to say the magic words: "Take it!"
(c) Carrie Boyko Yee-ha! Snack Time! |
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dogs that Walk on their Front Paws?
by Oliver
Today mom has a video on All Things Dog Blog. It's a little dog walking on its front legs--very cool, but also very strange. My Toni can do that, but I have no clue how it's done. Maybe I'll give her a call--after my nap. Zzzzz.....
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© Carrie Boyko Pooped Pups |
All Things Dog Blog,
dog photos,
dog videos
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Doggie Toy Joy
by Tanner
I love it when Mom happens upon a sale. This time I lucked up and got myself a Very Hungry Caterpillar! Isn't he great? She bought him from a charity drive, so the money went to a good cause. Who knew caterpillars had good causes?
Like my picture? Feel free to leave a comment. You can also visit Allie and Buttons at my momma's blog: All Things Dog Blog. I have to admit they're pretty funny. Oops...did I give it away?
(c) Carrie Boyko Smile, Tanner You've Got a Very Hungry Caterpillar |
(c) Carrie Boyko I Got a New Toy! |
Like my picture? Feel free to leave a comment. You can also visit Allie and Buttons at my momma's blog: All Things Dog Blog. I have to admit they're pretty funny. Oops...did I give it away?
dog photos,
dog pictures,
dog thrills,
dog toys,
Very Hungry Caterpillar
Doggie Toy Joy
dog photos,
dog thrills,
dog toys,
Very Hungry Caterpillar
Monday, February 14, 2011
Papillons at the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
by Oliver
Check out my cousins at Westminster's Papillon Best of Breed today. I know. I look just like them!
Over at All Things Dog Blog, mom's running a drawing for free boxes of dog cookies, but they are Scotties, like Sadie that won Westminster last year. How dare she! Don't enter her contest; it's just bad manners.
5 Minutes for Fido Wishes all a Happy Valentines Day
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© courtesy Barbara K. Buddy Love to All! |
Tanner and I are keeping an eye out in the kitchen where all sorts of yummy smells are coming from. It looks like there's more Doggie Bark coming (that's fido-friendly chocolate!) and also Oatmeal raisin cookies. Mom says we're not allowed to have raisins, so she's got those well out of reach, saving them for Dad. Imagine that! Special goodies for Daddy too!
Meanwhile, we're just waiting for the 'chocolate' to be ready so we can chow down. If you're interested, you can find the recipe at All Things Dog Blog on today's post. I even linked you up to the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie post. Daddy says mom's oatmeal cookies are the bomb. Enjoy!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Snoopy Wished he was a Golden Retriever!
by Tanner
I love helping mom give away fun dog stuff to our readers on All Things Dog Blog. Today she announced a special gift in honor of Charles Schulz. He's the amazing guy that imagined, drew and wrote the Peanuts cartoons for more than 50 years. Did you know that today is the 10th anniversary of his death?
Happily, his legacy lives on through his syndicated cartoons. While reading up on Snoopy, mom and I learned that he had regretted not being a Golden Retriever. Funny, huh? Apparently, there was a cute Golden that he had his eye on (wink wink ;) I can totally understand that. My neighbor, Missy, is oooo la la! Maybe I should try giving Missy a gift for Valentine's Day. Do you think that would get me anywhere?
Watch All Things Dog Blog on Monday for a recipe for my favorite carob-walnut "Mock Chocolate" candy. It's better than chocolate, and not dangerous for us pups! What's more, mom and I can both enjoy it. Yay!
© Carrie Boyko Snoopy Books for Kids |
Happily, his legacy lives on through his syndicated cartoons. While reading up on Snoopy, mom and I learned that he had regretted not being a Golden Retriever. Funny, huh? Apparently, there was a cute Golden that he had his eye on (wink wink ;) I can totally understand that. My neighbor, Missy, is oooo la la! Maybe I should try giving Missy a gift for Valentine's Day. Do you think that would get me anywhere?
Watch All Things Dog Blog on Monday for a recipe for my favorite carob-walnut "Mock Chocolate" candy. It's better than chocolate, and not dangerous for us pups! What's more, mom and I can both enjoy it. Yay!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Did You Miss our Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop?
© Carrie Boyko Tanner's Proud his Grandpa's Team Won |
If you missed the event, you can see the pics here at our mom's Super Dog Sunday Slideshow of the pics at this link. Enjoy!
© Carrie Boyko |
© Carrie Boyko |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Attention FIDOS: It's Almost Kickoff Time!
by Tanner, with only a little bit of help from Oliver
My Grandpa would be rooting for the Packers; he was a Packers fan all the way. So I'm gonna be loyal as always...Go Pack Go! ~ Tanner
© Carrie Boyko All Eyes on the Game |
© Carrie Boyko I'll Give You 3 to 1 Odds Packers Win! |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Neighborhood Fidos Unite...Let's Play Ball (since we can't eat yet)
© Carrie Boyko Dad? A Little Ball? |
© Carrie Boyko Maybe the Neighborhood Pups? |
Isn't it almost time for the food and the fun? I can't find a soul inside or out that wants to play a little ball with me. It should be kick-off time soon. I can tell because no one's around outside. I guess I'll mosey back inside and check the TV...AGAIN.
Then I can snoop around the kitchen to see where mom has hidden the Peanut Butter dog treats. You know, the ones she posted about earlier today on All Things Dog Blog. Sometimes I get lucky and she leaves them close enough to the edge for a tall guy like me to Retrieve them. Isn't that what I was meant to do? Of course!
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Calling all FIDOS: Let's Talk Super Bowl Snacks
by Tanner
I just had a heart-to-heart with my mom. I've been hearing stuff all week about chips and dip, beer, and guacamole. What is that, anyway? I felt it was my responsibility to inform her that there are 2 dogs in the house that also anticipate something special to eat during the game. After all, we've been busy helping her get ready for this Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop for 2 weeks now. We deserve a little thanks. Right?
© Carrie Boyko There IS No More Important Part of a Super Bowl Party than FOOD! |
© Carrie Boyko I Negotiated. No Compromises. I Got Peanut Butter Dog Treats and a promise... Mom has posted the Peanut Butter Dog Treats recipe and photos over at All Things Dog Blog. You're probably going to want to make them for your Fido. They're super yummy. Guess what the promise is. Valentines' Day is coming up. Mom wrote a post at All Things Dog Blog about the woes of chocolate for dogs. All that did was make me want it more. So we came up with a plan. Mom got a great recipe for Mock doggie chocolate. It's even got peanut butter and walnuts in it. She says it's made out of carob and I'll love it. I wasn't too pleased to learn that she made a batch to test this week, and didn't test it on me. But then she produced a piece for Oliver and I to sample, so I've forgiven her. It was really, really, really, yummy. Did I mention that I liked it? Mom says she'll be posting the recipe on Valentine's Day and that I can tell you all about it. Make sure you don't miss it; you AND your dog can eat it. Mom loves it too, so we can share a treat together. Now that's bonding. Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun! |
Bring Mom a Latte too, Cocoa-Latte!
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(c) Elizabeth G., reader copyright on file Cocoa-Latte Ready for a Trip to Starbucks? |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Molly has Football Fever
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© C. Augustine, reader copyright on file Molly's Got Football Fever |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hophere at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
It's a FIDO Football Frenzied Day at our House
© Carrie Boyko I'm Already Starting to Get Tired Bring on the Treats! |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hophere at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
dog photos,
dog treats,
Super Bowl,
Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop
Meet Molly, Our Camp Buddy
by Oliver
Our friend Molly likes to get her picture taken too. She sent us two pics of her with her football gear. Mom snagged the other one and is going to post it on All Things Dog Blog for the Super Dog Sunday Photo Blog Hop.
Have you been enjoying the pictures this afternoon? I like Smudge's picture the best. You'll find Smudge's brother, Sully, in a photo at All Things Dog Blog also. This is definitely a team event!
Watch for mom's recipe for Peanut Butter dog treats on All Things Dog Blog. We can't wait to sample them. She says we have to wait till Kick-off time. How long is that?
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© C. Augustine, reader copyright on file Is This How It's Worn? |
Have you been enjoying the pictures this afternoon? I like Smudge's picture the best. You'll find Smudge's brother, Sully, in a photo at All Things Dog Blog also. This is definitely a team event!
Watch for mom's recipe for Peanut Butter dog treats on All Things Dog Blog. We can't wait to sample them. She says we have to wait till Kick-off time. How long is that?
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
"Patches, Your Friend is Here to Play Football"
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© FB reader copyright on file Kitties Can be Steelers Fans too! |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hophere at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Go Packers, Go!
© Carrie Boyko We're Serious About our Team Spirit |
© Carrie Boyko What Time Does the Game Start? |
Mom tells us that the Peanut Butter dog treats will be served at game time. So when exactly is that? We're pretty eager to get that part of today's events going. Food is everything for us, and our mom has made us some super cute football dog cookies. Want the recipe? You can find it over at All Things Dog Blog. While you're there, would you set her clocks ahead, so we can get on with the snacks....pleeze!
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Snyder Can't Decide Which Team to Cheer On
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© L. Afetian Diplomatic Snyder is Playing the Field |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hophere at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
dog photos,
Super Bowl,
Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop
Smudge is Still Rooting for the Patriots
by Oliver
Meet my friend Smudge. He's a cover dog. Recently he posed with Miss Florida on the cover of a local magazine, Urban Pet Magazine. I'm just a tinge jealous because Smudge was very handsome sitting on that beauty queen's lap.
Smudge's brother, Sully, will be featured on my mom's blog at All Things Dog Blog this afternoon. Hope you'll pop by and get a look at him in his Patriot getup. Enjoy the hop!
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© Patti S., reader copyright on file Smudge A Die-Hard Patriots Fan |
Smudge's brother, Sully, will be featured on my mom's blog at All Things Dog Blog this afternoon. Hope you'll pop by and get a look at him in his Patriot getup. Enjoy the hop!
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Meet Jada, Our Facebook Fan, err Steelers Fan
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© courtesy of FB page fan, all rights reserved This Girl Takes her Steelers Seriously! |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hophere at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
dog photos,
Super Bowl,
Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop
It's Super Dog Sunday. Join us for Great Photos All Day...
© Carrie Boyko We're Ready for Kick-Off of the Dog Treats |
© Carrie Boyko I've Picked My Team |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
It's Super Dog Sunday: Let's Go to the Hop!
by Oliver and Tanner
We're entering this photo of us in the Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop, sponsored by All Things Dog Blog. Neither one of us have a Packers Jersey, but our Grandpa would be proud of us for trying. Go Packers!
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© Carrie Boyko Modeling our Packer Colors |
Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter. Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Mom Forgot Agility!
by Tanner
I can hardly believe it. My mom posted on all the different ways she likes to exercise us pups today on her blog. You know, that's the one called All Things Dog Blog.
Funny thing is, she completely left agility courses off the list. How could she have forgotten about agility? I love jumps, tires, and dog walks; they're sort of like long bridges or balance beams to walk over--fun! Sometimes I balk at the A-frame, and I'm not altogether crazy about the teeter, but all-in-all, I love going. We haven't been in a while. Maybe we should go visit again, huh?
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© Carrie Boyko Tanner, Go Tire! |
Funny thing is, she completely left agility courses off the list. How could she have forgotten about agility? I love jumps, tires, and dog walks; they're sort of like long bridges or balance beams to walk over--fun! Sometimes I balk at the A-frame, and I'm not altogether crazy about the teeter, but all-in-all, I love going. We haven't been in a while. Maybe we should go visit again, huh?
All Things Dog Blog,
dog agility,
dog exercise
Friday, February 4, 2011
There Was No Mystery about Xena
by Tanner
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© Carrie Boyko Xena Always Shared My best friend, playmate, confidante and house mother, Xena is definitely missed by me. When mom got involved in the Magical Mystery Mutt Tour over at All Things Dog Blog, I knew I had to speak out. Whether you call her a mixed breed, a Heinz 57, a Mutt, or simply Xena, it all is the same to me. There's no better friend in the world than my girl Xena. I like having her picture on our Rainbow Bridge Memorial page. Oliver likes the music too. Maybe you'd like to remember your best friend there? Let my mom know at and she'll be happy to add your furry friend. |
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Doggie Massage? I'm Ready to be a Tester for That!
by Tanner
Hi guys. The official All Things Dog Blog veterinarian, Dr. Pat, posted about doggie massage today. I'm all for that! It reminded me of this picture mom took and I had to share it. Doesn't this look absolutely indulgent?! There's just nothing like a good massage.
Mom was so excited to read Dr. Pat's post that she went and ordered a couple of the videos that are for sale on TTouch. Dr. Pat says Tellington Touch is the way to go, so I guess we're on our way. I'll keep ya posted.
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© Carrie Boyko Tanner enjoys an Ear Massage Compliments of Nikki |
Mom was so excited to read Dr. Pat's post that she went and ordered a couple of the videos that are for sale on TTouch. Dr. Pat says Tellington Touch is the way to go, so I guess we're on our way. I'll keep ya posted.
ask the vet,
dog massage,
Dr. Pat,
holistic dog care,
Tellington Touch,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Don't Miss It: The Fido Football Show of the Year!
by Tanner
This week has been nothing but football craziness at our house. We've taken a hundred pictures of me and Oliver in all sorts of football scenarios. Mom plans a major show on Super Bowl Sunday. Oops! Did I say that? I meant Super Dog in the Blog Hop.
Oliver and I plan to join in the fun, but mostly we want to cheer on our Packers. Why the Packers? Our Grandpa was a big Packers fan. He grew up across the street from Packers' Stadium where he parked cars in his yard to get the money for games. Needless to say we can't possibly back the Steelers, right?
I hope you guys all plan to join in the Blog Hop. Between the hopping on blogs, the Facebook conversations, and the Twitter flitter, it's going to be one super fun, super busy day here. We all hope to see you with your pups, ready to cheer on your team. Here's the resources for getting into the events we have planned:
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© Carrie Boyko Who Will it Be? Packers or Steelers? |
Oliver and I plan to join in the fun, but mostly we want to cheer on our Packers. Why the Packers? Our Grandpa was a big Packers fan. He grew up across the street from Packers' Stadium where he parked cars in his yard to get the money for games. Needless to say we can't possibly back the Steelers, right?
I hope you guys all plan to join in the Blog Hop. Between the hopping on blogs, the Facebook conversations, and the Twitter flitter, it's going to be one super fun, super busy day here. We all hope to see you with your pups, ready to cheer on your team. Here's the resources for getting into the events we have planned:
- Super Bowl Sunday Blog Hop 2011 Announcement
- Help Page for bloggers to join in
- Email for reader's photos to be posted:
No excuses; don't miss it!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Mom's Saving Money with Barkonomics
by Tanner
Does that mean I get more dog chow? I can buy into that for sure. Maybe I better check in with mom to be sure she read the whole book. I don't want her missing any important details like, say, how to get free toys or more fetch sessions. This could be extremely important info for a guy like me.
Be sure to check out mom's review of Dogtipper's new book, Barkonomics. It's all about how to save money on your dog's stuff. What's not to like about that? Mom loved it. When I asked, she said she read it cover to cover on her plane flight home from the holiday vacation.
So, again I ask, "Does this mean I get more dog chow? I weigh 70 pounds now, mom. Shouldn't I get a raise in my ration?"
Does that mean I get more dog chow? I can buy into that for sure. Maybe I better check in with mom to be sure she read the whole book. I don't want her missing any important details like, say, how to get free toys or more fetch sessions. This could be extremely important info for a guy like me.
Be sure to check out mom's review of Dogtipper's new book, Barkonomics. It's all about how to save money on your dog's stuff. What's not to like about that? Mom loved it. When I asked, she said she read it cover to cover on her plane flight home from the holiday vacation.
So, again I ask, "Does this mean I get more dog chow? I weigh 70 pounds now, mom. Shouldn't I get a raise in my ration?"
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