Sunday, February 6, 2011

Neighborhood Fidos Unite...Let's Play Ball (since we can't eat yet)

© Carrie Boyko
A Little Ball?

© Carrie Boyko
Maybe the Neighborhood Pups?
Isn't it almost time for the food and the fun? I can't find a soul inside or out that wants to play a little ball with me. It should be kick-off time soon. I can tell because no one's around outside. I guess I'll mosey back inside and check the TV...AGAIN.

Then I can snoop around the kitchen to see where mom has hidden the Peanut Butter dog treats. You know, the ones she posted about earlier today on All Things Dog Blog. Sometimes I get lucky and she leaves them close enough to the edge for a tall guy like me to Retrieve them. Isn't that what I was meant to do? Of course!

Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter.  Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!

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