Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Green Lawns make Nice Play Yards

by Tanner
Boy, does our grass smell good. You should come give it a sniff. The organic lawncare folks just left and we love it when they come. They put worm guts and fish emulsion on our lawn for fertilizer, and it smells better than Thanksgiving dinner--wonderful! Oliver and Xena and I could spend all day outside just smelling the grass, if mom would let us.

Today, Mom wrote about creating an Eco-friendly yard for your dog on her blog, All Things Dog Blog. We like being green dogs; our yard is safe to play in all the time.

Within a few days and after a few rains the yummy smell goes away and we end our extensive exploration of our yard. Bummer. It was really fun to explore every inch of grass to find all the great smells.

Mom says our natural fertilizer is better for us and for our family. It doesn't contain chemicals that cause sickness and stuff like that. We're glad cuz we really like our life. Have you tried natural lawn care? Here's some articles my mom has written to help folks understand about natural lawncare. Your dogs will love it too--no more waiting inside for a day after the yard chemicals are put on the lawn:

All Natural Pest Control for Your Yard
Green Lawn Care: A Tale of Two Families
Excited About Organic Lawn Care

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